Cocos Creator Bitmap Font

  1. Bitmap Image Creator
  2. Cocos Creator Bitmap Font Download
  3. Bitmap Font Download

To install the font, right-click on the font file and select 'Install', or open Fonts via Control Panel and drag and drop the font file. Note that you can keep installed just one bitmap font with 'Terminal' face at a time, that is, the installation of a second font (for example, a different size) replaces the previous one. After some work, I wrote a small java tool to create.fnt file to use with bitmap fixed size fonts. This tool resolve my problem. There may be another tool doing this but I didn't found it. This is my first java program so there may be mistakes, bugs, etc. Feel free to give me feedback Hope it will help someone. BitmapFont Class. Module: cc Class for BitmapFont handling. Index Properties. Url String cc.Asset.url is deprecated, please use nativeUrl instead; uuid String; loaded Boolean Whether the asset is loaded or not. BitmapFont Class. Module: cc Class for BitmapFont handling. Index Properties. Url String cc.Asset.url is deprecated, please use nativeUrl instead; uuid String; loaded Boolean Whether the asset is loaded or not.; nativeUrl String Returns the url of this asset's native object, if none it will returns an empty string.; refCount Number The number of reference; native String.

There are three types of font assets available to games made with Cocos Creator: system fonts, dynamic fonts, and bitmap fonts. The system font renders text by calling the system font that comes with the game running platform, and does not require the user to add any related assets to the project.

Unscii is a set of bitmapped Unicode fonts based on classic system fonts.Unscii attempts to support character cell art well while also being suitablefor terminal and programming use.

The two main variants are unscii-8 (8×8 pixels per glyph) and unscii-16(8×16). There are also several alternative styles for unscii-8, as well asan 8x16 'full' variant that incorporates missing Unicode glyphs fromFixedsys Excelsior and GNU Unifont. 'unscii-16-full' falls under GPL becauseof how Unifont is licensed; the other variants are in the Public Domain.

Unscii was created by Viznut.

In 2020-03-10, the new Unicode version13.0 added 214 graphics characters for 'legacy computing' (including,among all, the missing PETSCII characters, and a majority of missingTeletext/Videotex characters). Most of these were already included in Unscii1.x, but now I have been able to give them proper Unicode mappings as well.This is the main reason for the Unscii 2.0 release.

Additionally, Unscii 2.0 fixes errors in some characters, legibility insome others and adds a bunch of new ones. Canon laser shot lbp 1210 driver windows 10 64 bit.

A test picture representing what is currently available in Unicode (feelfree to copy-paste it to your editor to see what it looks like in otherfonts):

Here are some conversions of legacy character set art into Unscii.

Amiga ansi: Divine Stylers by Hellbeard, as rendered with unscii-16.Source

PC ansi: Ansi Love by Rad Man, as rendered with unscii-16.Source

Commodore 64 petscii pictures as rendered with unscii-8, using the256-color xterm palette: I Has Floppy by Redcrab; The First Ball byDr.TerrorZ; Gary by Mermaid.

Bitmap Image Creator

Cocos creator bitmap font creator

The source code package includes a generic bitmap-to-unscii converter. Here's an example of a conversion to unscii-8 using the 256-color xtermpalette, without dithering:

HEX and PCF are the only actual bitmapped formats here. HEX is the samesimple hexdump format as used by the Unifont project. TTF, OTF and WOFFare vectorized.

NOTE: Due to format limitations, the PCF versions lack all the charactersabove U+FFFF! However, all the new graphics characters are provided in thegood old PUA range as well. A mapping is in the file

unscii-16: hexpcfttfotfwoff
unscii-16-full: hexpcfttfotfwoff
8x16. The latter is recommended for serious terminal use where a largeUnicode coverage is needed. (Warning: unscii16-full files range from 2to 12 megabytes in size; the others range from 40 to 400 kilobytes.)

unscii-8: hexpcfttfotfwoff

unscii-8-tall: hexpcfttfotfwoff
Double-height version of unscii8.

unscii-8-thin: hexpcfttfotfwoff
Based on system fonts with 1-pixel-wide lines.

unscii-8-alt: hexpcfttfotfwoff
Based on the more peculiar glyph forms of the reference fonts.

unscii-8-mcr: hexpcfttfotfwoff
Based on retrofuturistic MCR-like 8×8 fonts used in various games, demos,etc.

unscii-8-fantasy: hexpcfttfotfwoff
Based on fonts used in fantasy games.

Years ago, I noticed that Unicode had a bunch of pseudographic charactersthat could be used to enrichen Ansi art. However, no one seemed to use them.Even MUDs that used the 256-color Xterm palette and had no issues withUnicode still preferred to stick to the blocks available in the MS-DOScodepage 437.

After looking into existing Unicode fonts, the reason became obvious: theimplementation of non-CP437 graphics characters was shaky at best. UnicodeConsortium doesn't even care how pseudographics are implemented. It was akind of chicken-and-egg problem: No commonly accepted Unicode graphics font,no Unicode art scene; no art scene, no font support. The idea of anart-compatible Unicode font was born.

For Unscii, I studied a bunch of classic system fonts and how theircharacters had been used in Ascii and 'extended-Ascii' art.

8×8 system fonts can be divided in two major categories according totheir line thickness: 1-pixel and 2-pixel. 2-pixel-wide lines are used inmore prominent classic systems, so I chose it. Also, 2-pixel 8×8 systemfonts are surprisingly similar to one another which made it easier to chooseneutral shapes.

The basic look of the 8×8 variant of Unscii is based on the followingsystems:

  • Amiga (Topaz-8)
  • Amstrad CPC
  • Atari 8-bit (as in 800, XL etc.)
  • Atari Arcade (the iconic ROM font)
  • Atari 32-bit (as in ST etc.)
  • BBC Micro (graphics mode font)
  • Commodore 64
  • IBM PC (the 8×8 ROM font as in CGA, or VGA 80×50)

The 8×16 variant of Unscii has been mostly derived from the 8×8 variantby using a set of transformation principles. When in doubt, the followingfonts have been looked at for additional reference:

Cocos Creator Bitmap Font Download

  • Windows Fixedsys 8×15 (and its modern successor Fixedsys Excelsior)
  • IBM PC VGA ROM font(s) (and their modern successor U_VGA)
  • X Window System fonts 8x13(B) and 9x15(B)
  • Classic Macintosh 12-point Monaco
  • Digital VT420 10×16 font (used in the 80×24 mode)
  • Modern monospaced vector fonts: DejaVu Sans Mono, Lucida Console,Inconsolata

In general, neutral shapes are preferred, unless art, legibility orreadability require otherwise: The characters /XY are connective because oftheir connetive use in ascii art, and the serifs in iIl are longer than inmost classic systems.

Whenever a 8×16 shape has not been defined, Unscii falls back toheight-doubled 8×8.

I also studied game fonts and thin-line system fonts. This resulted inthe variants unscii-8-thin, unscii-8-mcr and unscii-8-fantasy.

When studying legacy character sets, I found literally hundreds ofcharacters without proper Unicode codepoints. These are mapped in the PUArange as follows:

  • U+E080.E0FF: Teletext/Videotex block mosaics.
  • U+E100.: The most prominent and useful non-Unicode pseudographics:everything found in PETSCII, Videotex smooth mosaics, extra shades,round corners, X/Y doublers.
  • U+E800.: Somewhat stranger but still potentially useful: junctions withborder-aligned lines, diagonal line junctions, non-straight lines, weirderfill patterns, etc.
  • U+EC00.: Total oddities. Mostly game-oriented bitmaps and otherdepictive characters from Sharp MZ, Aquarius, etc.

Since Unicode 13.0, many of these are also available in Unicode, butthe PUA mappings are retained for compatibility.

There are three types of font assets available to games made with Cocos Creator: system fonts, dynamic fonts, and bitmap fonts.

The system font renders text by calling the system font that comes with the game running platform, and does not require the user to add any related assets to the project. To use system fonts, use the Use System Font property in the Label documentation.

Importing font assets

Dynamic fonts

Cocos Creator currently supports dynamic fonts in True Type format. Simply drag a font file with an extension of .ttf into the Assets Panel, and you can import the font asset.

Bitmap fonts

The bitmap font is composed of a font file in .fnt format and a .png image. The .fnt file provides an index of each character thumbnail. Fonts in this format can be generated by specialized software, please refer to:

When importing bitmap fonts, be sure to drag both the .fnt file and the .png file into the Assets Panel at the same time.

Note: after importing the bitmap font, you need to change the type of the .png file to sprite-frame, otherwise the bitmap font will not work properly.

The imported fonts are displayed in the Assets Panel, as follows:

Note: in order to improve the efficiency of asset management, it is recommended that the imported .fnt and .png files be stored in separate directories and not mixed with other assets.

Using font assets

The font asset needs to be rendered through the Label component. Here is how to create a Node with a Label component in the scene.

Creating a Label (Font) Node Using the Menu

Click on the Create Node button in the upper left corner of the Hierarchy Manager and select Create Render Node --> Label (Text), and a component with Label will be created in the Scene node.

You can also complete the creation through Node --> Create Render Node --> Label (Text) of the main menu, the effect is the same as the above method.

Associated Font Assets

The font components created using the above method use the system font as the associated asset, by default. If you want to use a TTF or bitmap fonts in the project, you can drag your font assets to the created Label component.

At this time, the font used in a scene will be immediately rendered using the font asset specified. You can also freely switch the Font property of the same Label component to use TTF or bitmap fonts according to the needs of the project. When switching font files, other properties of the Label component are not affected.

If you want to restore the use of system fonts, you can click the property check box of Use System Font to clear the font file specified in the Font property.

Dragging and droping to create a Label node

Bitmap Font Download

Another quick way to create font nodes using specified assets is to directly drag and drop font files, either TTF or bitmap fonts, from the Assets Panel into the Hierarchy Panel. The only difference from the menu created above is that text nodes created using drag and drop will automatically use the dragged font asset to set the Font property of the Label component.